Excerpts from catalogues
…to introduce and present her signs, symbols, colours, images made with simple, humble yet great passion. I invite you to look at them with the same sensitive participative attention.
Alik Cavaliere | |
…in this way, Laura Cesana’s painting takes us into the essence of the work of art as its own mystery, and as an indescribable presence of an unassailable reality.
António Ramos Rosa | |
…It is the child in us who recognizes Laura Cesana, in this chaos organizing itself into cosmos, in this geography of mists, figures waiting to be named by the magical act of a creative gesture.
Armando da Câmara Pereira | |
…These signs and landscapes are routes, stars, constellations, sparks of the earth — sisters of the founts of milk and honey.
Carlos Neves de Carvalho | |
…This central aspect brings us to a clear perception of the work of Laura Cesana: for her, pictorial space is the result of a sophisticated reflection sensitively tuned to the elementary forms of Nature; a luminous alphabet learned at the sources of life. | |
Christopher Auretta | |
…her vocabulary is that of synthesis, it is evocative and lively, musical, with contrasting, pure colours… Picture by picture, Laura Cesana takes control of a space endowed with a human dimension.
Cristina Azevedo Tavares | |
…it imposes itself as a constant conflict of materials in the dialogue of forms… as a sudden, repeated escape through spaces of what is known and what is beyond.
David Mourão-Ferreira | |
…making full use of apparent structural techniques and earth-symbol references, she moves in circles where control, discipline and research are mixed with emotion, intuition, and fantasy, in a joyful sense of care, which transfigures reality without isolating it. | |
Eduarda Chiote | |
In the present artistic world… it is refreshingly healthy to find works of art which do not hesitate, at the same time or when necessary, to simbolize, to move, to evoke the material of what is portrayed… fundamental imagery of her sofisticated pictoral poetics. | |
Fernando António Baptista Pereira | |
…tender, but at the same time vibrant vivacity… symbols related to calligraphy, to linguistics, or simply as forms or stains.
…it occupies the same space that poetry should, a moment of openness and lyrical authenticity.
Fernando de Azevedo | |
…rythmic poliphony of exceptional plastic intensity… fluidity of spaces in movement… a melodic message… allowing us to foresee a secret cosmic dance. | |
Helena Rodrigues dos Santos | |
…Laura Cesana makes the means of recording into the form of her art. This necessarily implies a great attachment to what is real. She senses that truth can only be found on two paths: in the sedimentary «objects» of life and in the images that express their unconscious activity. Let us say that her writing and her drawings are more direct than is habitual in Europe. Born in Italy at the height of Italian fascism, she was transposed at the age of one and a half to the United States where, on her first American sojourn, she remained until the age of eleven. There she drank the American milk of pragmatism which throughout this century has generated, on that continent, a literature born from experience, art understood by the camera of emotion.
Jorge Guimarães | |
…on the other side of the mirror, Laura Cesana’s painting introduces us to the marvel of a shared ingenuousness, that of the artist and that of the world. …opens a door onto the secret of the evidence of space’s light, of a lively joy, which is so real in the magic unreality of her images. As real as the dreams that time sees flourishing in the poet’s gaze and in the hidden gardens of the world.
Maria João Fernandes | |
…One then throws a glance at what path there remained, small white stones where light lingers amidst the sprouting moss which dries to harden into the hardest of greens. And thus the traveller’s attention (Laura Cesana’s) is held, in this metamorphosis of an idyllic nightmare, bringing forth the permanence of vital force, in which hope anchored itself to become eternal. | |
Mário Cláudio | |
…One could say that Laura Cesana captured Pessoa’s auto-epitaph, spoken through Alberto Caeiro: «I was never anything but a child who played». It is this spontaneous being, warm, tender, and playful, who throught Laura Cesana’s painting manipulates texts and objects, signs which belonged to its existence.
Teresa Rita Lopes
...it is in poetic solitude and expressive singularity, marginal to doctrinaire orthodoxies and to figurative scholasticism, that Laura Cesana has followed her autonomous path of melancholy-joy, which we now witness...
...all the more reason to thank her for her nobel creative effort to which these words pay homage. What they fail to convey will be amply redeemed and above all better expressed by her images.
Fernando Pernes | |
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